The Official Website of Invictus Law Enforcement Jiu Jitsu Collective
The Official Website of Invictus Law Enforcement Jiu Jitsu Collective
Invictus Leo was founded in 2019 when a group of cops got together and decided it was time to push how effective Jiu Jitsu is for law enforcement. The idea morphed quickly into the #BJJMAKEITMANDATORY hashtag and started to gain momentum within LEO circles.
Invictus' goal is to highlight the importance of proper training. We will share, promote and feature LEO run companies AND organizations that are pushing this message.All we ask is a simple @ or # mention so we can grow. We are stronger together.
To help Police Officers and Police Departments worldwide adopt Jiu Jitsu into their defensive tactics training and in turn, get more officers practising Jiu Jitsu.
INVICTUS is a collective of thousands of officers spear-heading the #BJJMAKEITMANDATORY movement. The aim is to get more Law Enforcement officers training Jiu Jitsu. Less THAN 3% of POLICE officers train outside their “minimum mandated” use of force requirements. THIS needs to change.
It is our belief that all police officers should regularly train for real world scenarios using Jiu Jitsu based principles. The reasoning is simple: Jiu Jitsu makes police officers safer in the field by teaching them the fundamental positioning and skills for real life physical encounters. Knowing Jiu Jitsu will not only protect police officers but it will also protect suspects based on the scalable factor of the art. In turn, use of force issues will be reduced as well as injuries to police officers and suspects. If the only tool you have is a hammer, then all problems are seen as nails. It’s time to introduce a tool box that is practical, varied and workable for police.
Bringing police officers together who train Jiu Jitsu is our main focus. We share ideas as a group on training methods, techniques, policies and how to get more officers and departments involved in teaching and training Jiu Jitsu. Every police officer has the responsibility to his/her family, partners and the public to prepare themselves for all possible situations they may encounter while preforming their sworn duties.
Since 2019, we have held several super seminars in numerous cities to bring together officers who share a love for Jiu Jitsu. These seminars are taught by very high level police black belts who understand use of force applications.
If you are interested in hosting an event, see our event page.
Proceeds from these seminars are donated to charities like the 100 Club or Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS)-organizations that support families of fallen officers.
If you are interested in hosting an event, see our event page.
You thought last years Tahoe event was fun? This year is going to be crazy. Don't miss out on Tickets. Price increases on Jan 31 2025!
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